The first step in correcting an alcohol problem is acknowledging you have a problem. The second is really deep down wanting and willingness to correct that problem.
I was recently asked how I actually have remained sober without much pain or stress. I won't lie to you, taking the first step and that first week was not a breeze but....I had help and it got easier by the day.
I am going to tell you my secret...
I came across a method by an Author named Craig Beck. The name of his book is Alcohol Lied To Me. This book can be purchased in audio, digital, or paperback form. I preferred the audio form because I just never have time to sit down and read. So, I listen while driving or cleaning or just what ever I am doing. As of today I have listened to his book at least 10 times. I kid you not. At the end of his book there is a hypnosis session that I listened to every night for 3 weeks, and still do occasionally. Even though many times I fall asleep while listening I know the message is getting through to my subconscious. There is that word again, "subconscious.!"
There is a companion audio book you can get also called, "Stop Drinking Hypnosis" which is just short hypnosis sessions back to back and is nice to have. I have used all the techniques in the book and even though I did not take the supplements I am beginning to do so because as Mr. Beck says it is important to follow every step in the plan.
Here are the Supplements:
This is taken directly from Craig Becks book Alcohol Lied To Me:
1000MG Omega 3 fish oil supplement and take three of these a day either all at once or spread over the day.
Broad spectrum ‘once a day’ multivitamin, B Vitamin Complex
50MG 5-HTP supplement with a sweet liquid at bedtime unless you are diabetic.
Vitamin C
Other things that I do would include Yoga, and meditation. I will talk more about this in another post!
I'm going on Amazon and buying it right now for my kindle, if available. I'm also reading Betty Ford's book right now and it's very good! Very inspirational!
Excellent roundup with some really great information here.
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