So yesterday after looking for homes for hours with no sleep and no definite plans for a acquiring a roof over our head after July 31, I needed a drink. Not just any drink but the strongest thing I could find to take me away from all this, to escape into the abyss of not caring who or where I am. I won't even go into the fact that due to some issues we are having I am prevented for putting in an offer on a home, but as it stands now, we have only 3 weeks to get out of this house. We are going to be street dwellers.
We found ourselves planning to shower at the health club and then sleep in the car. At least we have truck room and own a tent, so this is a plus. I said to my husband, "Remember that camping trip you wanted take?" I am exhausted, and disgusted, but still glad we sold our current home because it was time to do so. It was way too big for the 3 of us which will soon be the 2 of us. So, we will be going from 3700 square feet to around 2500 square feet which is plenty.
At any rate I ended up drinking half gallon of chamomile tea in order to get right.... and I must say there is just nothing chamomile and sleep won't cure. Of course by the 3rd cup I was feeling much calmer and the sharp edge on the tip of my last nerve was starting to become more diffuse and less sensitive. Of course when I woke up this morning I had the same problems but without the hangover!
Wish me luck............................%-)
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