I'm gonna go with the thought that we all want to live full healthy lives and that we really give a crap if one of our major organs gradually dies off due to overwork and poisoning. If this is not something you have thought of then I implore you to do so, and now!
Your liver has about 500 things to do on an daily basis besides trying to filter your poison habit. Because alcohol is an immediate danger it gets to go to the top of the list when it is present in your system. This leaves the other jobs on the back burner until toxins can be dealt with. Here are your liver's functions.
Your liver is also the main place in your body where alcohol is broken down.
About 90-98% of alcohol is broken down by your liver. The other 2-10% is sent out in your urine, breathed out by respiration and sweated out. Alcohol is initially absorbed by way of oral mucosa, stomach, and small intestine, and this is why you get an immediate effect from alcohol, because it absorbs quickly and goes straight to your head, literally!!! Once this happens, I don't know about you but all inhibitions are leaving me and I stop paying attention to how much I am gulping down.
I like the way Dr. Oz says that your liver is like border police in that everything has to be inspected in order to pass through. Here is the breakdown of alcohol by the liver:
I know everyone has heard of a fatty liver. THIS IS IMPORTANT SO PAY ATTENTION@!!!!
According to www.webmd.com: This is a direct quote:
More than 15 million people in the U.S. abuse or overuse alcohol. Almost all of them -- 90%-100% -- develop fatty livers.
Fatty liver can occur after drinking moderate or large amounts of alcohol. It can even occur after a short period of heavy drinking (acute alcoholic liver disease).
So, if you think your helping yourself by just cutting back, or perhaps just binging occasionally, think again. It's all bad. Poison is poison. By this way if you are young, you don't get a free pass, you can still damage yourself. It goes this way----fatty liver, then comes cirrhosis. Cirrhosis is death of the liver, where scar tissue forms. Those cells that are turned into scar tissue are done, there is no cure. Let this soak in.... People that destroy their good liver don't get to the top of the transplant list easily, if ever.
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